Hey everyone! Today is a happy day. As you can tell, I received a blog award from Adventures in Polishland. She is an absolute sweet heart and I feel really honored. :)!
Here are the rules for accepting the award:
1. Nominate 15 fellow bloggers who are relatively new to blogging
2. Let them know that you have nominated them.
3. Share 7 random facts about yourself.
4. Thank the bloggers who have nominated you.
5. Add the Versatile Blogger Award picture to your post
My nominations are:
2.Polish Monster- She is the sweetest! She has worked hard and is growing in size. Check her out. :)
3. My Indie Glam Addiction - She is so awesome and so sweet. One of the few genuine bloggers out there!
4.Nails and Paint - Not sure if she's new or not, but she does some beautiful stuff with her Essie polishes.
5. Polished to a T - She is an absolute sweet heart and you should check out her page!
(Only doing 5, because I honestly can't think of 15 that are new!).
7 Random Facts about Me!
1. I'm absolutely, positively afraid of tomatoes.
2. My boyfriend is in the Navy in Japan right now, and I haven't seen him in 2 years.
3. I love my little puppy! She is my spoiled little brat.
4. I have 3 tattoos and 15 piercings.
5. I'm going to school to be a nurse. Either surgical or Emergency.
6. I have NATURAL red hair.
7. I did gymnastics, cheerleading and tae kwon do competitively for 10 years.
woo :D